Status of Smoking Research in Jordan: Scoping Review and Evidence Synthesis

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Abubaker, A., Alrefaie, A., Jum'a, M., Al-Azaideh, B., Alitelat, A., Alajmi, H., & AlRyalat, S. A. (2023). Status of Smoking Research in Jordan: Scoping Review and Evidence Synthesis: Scoping Review and Evidence Synthesis. High Yield Medical Reviews, 1(1).



Jordan has one of the highest smoking rates in the world. Despite this, there is a limited understanding of the scope and nature of smoking research in Jordan. In this scoping review, we assessed the status of research on smoking in Jordan, identifying research gaps and opportunities for future studies, and informing the development of evidence-based interventions to reduce smoking prevalence and related health harms in the country.


We searched Scopus database to identify papers covering various aspects of smoking research in Jordan, including nicotine, smoke, cigarette, tobacco, and waterpipe. We assessed several outcomes, including sample characteristics size, data characteristics included data type (quantitative, qualitative), data collection methodology (survey, clinical measurements) and data collection sites.


From 410 studies screened, we included 125 studies. We classified included studies according to the main topics covered in the articles, where 32 studies assessed the clinical impact of smoking, 24 studies assessed aspects of smoking cessation, 19 articles included the perception and knowledge of smoking, 19 studied the prevalence of different types of smoking in different age population, 16 articles studied the factors affecting smoking, 9 studied the relation with oral health, diseases, and cancer, 6 of them handled different aspects of smoking and smoking research tools and training of healthcare workers.


This scoping review provided valuable insights into the various aspects of smoking research among Jordanians and highlighted gaps where research is needed. The results can be used to inform policies and programs on areas of needed evidence.


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