About the Journal

Aims & Scope

High Yield Medical Reviews (HYMR) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal that aims to support medical researchers with high yield articles in medical research and practicing physicians with quality and up-to-date evidence on topics of the highest yield to their practice.

HYMR generally publishes review articles in medicine. While we focus on systematic reviews on high yield topics suggested by field experts, we also publish review articles on other topics, in addition to original articles (aka., Research Articles) related to suggested topics, novel methods, and scholarly publishing among others.

The journal publishes two issues per year, each including a wide variety of review articles, research articles, commentaries, and editorials. Review articles include systematic reviews with or without a meta-analysis, narrative reviews, or rapid reviews. All published articles undergo an anonymous peer review process, except for editorials. While we do not accept case reports, interested authors can perform a review article and report the case they have as part of this review in a separate section. We encourage submitting research methodology articles or articles investigating topics related to methodologies as research articles, where such articles discussing new methods, updated methods, or descriptions of methods applied in research will be given priority. Articles are published Online First ahead of the issue assignment.



HYMR is published by High Yield Medicine, A Jordan-based publisher that aim to support medical research for physicians and students in Jordan and around the world. We thrive to publish high-quality, evidence-based reviews to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of a specific topic within the field of medicine. Written by experts on emerging topics, each published article follows strict methodological guidelines that ensure its reproducibility with high reliability. HYMR is published also in collaboration with Jordan Medical Association (JMA).


Editorial Policies

High Yield Medical Reviews considers mainly research articles and review articles, including, but not limited to, systematic reviews with or without meta-analysis, narrative reviews, reviews of systematic reviews, or rapid reviews. All aforementioned article types will undergo rigorous editorial and peer review. Authors can submit their ready-for-submission manuscripts through the submission system.

The editor-in-chief or handling editor considers reviewer feedback and their own evaluation of the manuscript in order to reach a decision. The following decision types are available:

  • Reject
  • Major revision
  • Minor revision
  • Accept

Decisions are communicated to the corresponding author in a formal letter, along with reviewer feedback and any other requirements from the journal office.


Peer Review Process

All article types published by HYMR are peer-reviewed, except for editorials that do not have original data. Peer reviewers are experts in the field of the topic discussed in the article or its methodology. They are suggested by the editorial board members through frequent communications between board members. External reviewers are contacted by the assigned editor or the managing editor, and their reports are assessed by the assigned editor and the editor-in-chief to reach a decision about each submission.  Reviewers who provide rich peer reviews that might be generalized and help a variety of topics, not just the peer-reviewed article, will be offered to be published with its own Digital Object Identifier (doi). Such published reviews will guide future reviewers to do high-quality peer reviews and provide authors of prospective articles an overview of what reviewers will look for.

The journal will use a double-blinded peer review process for all review articles, in which both the reviewers and the authors are anonymous. Reviewers are requested to fill out a form related to the quality of the methodology, and writing quality, among other factors. Reviewers are also invited to submit comments to the editor and the authors. Finally, the reviewer is asked to suggest a recommendation, from acceptance without changes to rejection. Reviewers will receive a certificate of recognition for completing a review for the journal. Moreover, reviewers can choose to claim this review and add it to their Publons profile. While the editor can suggest further comments to authors, the journal’s policy is to communicate the reviewer’s comments to the authors as is without any alteration.

Any dispute or matters arising regarding the peer review process not mentioned here will resolve according to The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines.



Authors may submit a formal appeal for rejected submissions. Appeal requests must be made in writing to the editor-in-chief with the word “appeal” in the subject line. Authors must provide detailed reasons for the appeal and point-by-point responses to the reviewers' and/or Academic Editor's comments. Decisions on appeals are final without exception.



Articles published in High Yield Medical Reviews are permanently stored in the archiving system. The journal is also part of the Public Knowledge Preservation Network for purposes of preservation and restoration.


Policies on Conflict of Interest, Human and Animal rights, and Informed Consent (URL)

Policies on Conflict of Interest: Authors are required to disclose any conflicts of interest that may influence their work in the manuscript and during the submission process. Conflicts of interest may include financial, professional, or personal relationships that could be perceived as affecting the objectivity of the research. The journal will not consider articles for publication if the authors have a significant financial interest in the topic being studied.

Policies on Human and Animal Rights: The journal will only consider articles for publication that have been conducted in accordance with relevant laws and regulations regarding the use of human and animal subjects in research. All research involving human subjects must have been approved by an appropriate ethics committee and must have received informed consent from the participants. All research involving animal subjects must have been approved by an appropriate ethics committee and must have followed guidelines for the care and use of animals in research.

Policies on Informed Consent: When authors use patient’s data in their manuscript, informed consent should be obtained from all research participants. Authors are required to provide evidence of informed consent in the form of a signed consent form or other appropriate documentation when asked for. The journal will not consider articles for publication that involve the use of sensitive personal data without the explicit consent of the individuals concerned. The journal will ensure that the privacy and confidentiality of all research participants is protected, and will not publish any personal information that could potentially identify them.

Data sharing policy

The journal encourages authors to share the data underlying their review articles, to the extent that this is possible and appropriate. This will enhance the article’s reproducibility and will allow future projects to build on it. Authors are required to provide a statement in their submission describing their plans for data sharing, including whether and how the data will be made available and how to access it. The journal will consider the availability of data as an important factor in the review and acceptance of review articles and that any data shared is properly cited and credited to the original sources. We also encourage the use of data-sharing platforms for large datasets, such as Dataverse or Dryad, to make data widely and easily accessible to other researchers. The journal will respect any legal or ethical restrictions on data sharing, such as privacy laws or participant consent agreements. Moreover, we will take steps to protect the integrity and security of shared data, including implementing appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized access or misuse.


Published content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).



Main Office: Prince Mohammad street, Amman 11118, Jordan.

Email: contact@highyieldmed.org


